
“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are
light in the Lord. Walk as children of light”, Ephe. 5:8
Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Church, Washington DC Called a pastor
The Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Church of Washington DC in its January 18, 2015 Special congregation meeting voted to call pastor Kenassa T. Shobor as its senior pastor with a vote of 74 “YES” and Zero “NO”.
The call meeting was led by Bishop R. Graham of Metropolitan Washington DC Synod of the ELCA. It was conducted in a very friendly and amicable manner and the result was unanimous showing that members of this new congregation are indeed of one heart and mind. All the gratitude and thanks goes to the Holy Spirit and we also would like to thank the Bishop office for their advice and those who kept this congregation and the call process in their prayer.
The call process started in February 2014. The call committee managed the process in a transparent way keeping congregation members and the council informed of progresses at each stage. The transparency and strictly following of the rules and procedures adopted by the congregation resulted in the unanimous decision of members of the congregation. We hope that the manner and civility shown today in our congregation will be a lesson for similar Oromo institutions and beyond.
We will have time for celebration of this historic achievement in the near future and in the meantime, we invite you to congratulate Pr. Kenassa and also attend our Sunday regular service that starts at 12:30 PM.
For now we invite you to enjoy some of the pictures from the Call Meeting in our gallery.
Thank you and may God bless you all!
Tufa Abate, Council President